My life as a full-time artist

Three New Snowy Christmas Card Designs
The months leading up to Christmas are always a very busy time for me. Pet portraits are a really popular present so I do my best to fit in as many as possible for my clients. It’s also, however, a time when people are looking for good quality cards so I like to add a few more designs to my online store. Last year I created two Christmas cards and this year I’ve designed three more…

A day in the life of me and my cat
I was going to write about a day in the life of a hard working pet portrait artist, but then I started thinking about the wonderfully laid-back-life my cat Titus had, so I thought it would be fun to compare and contrast the two.
Titus spends the early hours of the morning resting in a flowerbed at the end of my garden. He always keeps one eye on the kitchen window, though, watching for the moment when someone appears to serve him breakfast. When he spots me….

The inspiration and perspiration behind successful pet businesses
Reflecting on my first year as a full-time pet portrait artist got me thinking—what other pet-based businesses there are out there, what inspired the owners to start them, and what is helping to make them a success. As part of celebrating my first year in business, therefore, I thought I would reach out to a few fellow pet business owners and ask them those two key questions. I’m so grateful for their kind and generous responses and delighted to be able to share with you some of their inspiring and informative replies. Maybe they might even inspire you to step out and start your own business!…

June 2023 update: A successful first year as a pet portrait artist
It’s now a year since I went full time as a pet portrait artist. I’ve drawn 62 pet portraits over the last year and this month I have completed another 5, including one I gifted to my sister for her 18th birthday. It was of our cat Titus so she could have something to remember him by at university. Here he is posing next to it on one of his favourite sleeping spots…
May 2023 update
May has been another productive month as I continue to grow my pet portrait business. I’ve completed five commissions and been able to post one of my favourite ones yet. It’s of two dogs who obviously had a lovely relationship with each other. It was such a privilege to draw them…

Beautiful pet portraits from imperfect reference photos
I love it when I get a high resolution reference photo where the pet is in a good pose with great lighting. These commissions are so enjoyable to draw especially when the client wants me to create a large portrait from it. There is another side to being a pet portrait artist, though, that is equally rewarding, and that’s when I need to create a beautifully realistic portrait from a less than perfect photo. When a beloved pet has sadly passed away the owner may only have imperfect photos for me to work from…

My top 10 dog proverbs
Dog’s have been such an important part of our lives and we have come to know their characteristics so well that they are a rich source of inspiration for all sorts of proverbs and sayings. In this article, I look at some of my favourites, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this walk through the world of dog sayings and expressions!

My top 10 cat proverbs
In this blog, I explore some of the most interesting cat proverbs from around the world, and delve into the meanings behind them, so sit back, relax, and let's explore the world of feline wisdom!

My top 10 dog quotes
It’s such a privilege to spend my days drawing dogs but they have also been a source of inspiration for many writers, poets, and thinkers too. Here are some of the most memorable and inspiring dog quotes I have come across from famous authors, celebrities, and dog lovers alike…

My top 10 cat quotes
Many of us have a strong emotional connection with our cats and find them fascinating, entertaining, and comforting. …It’s no surprise, therefore, that their unique qualities have inspired many memorable quotes and proverbs over the years. Here are my top 10 cat quotes that really resonated with me…
April 2023 Update
April has been another busy month for my pet portrait business. Here is what I’ve been up to: I’ve completed 6 commissions, including some challenging portraits where the reference photos were less than ideal. One of the great things, though, about a pet portrait drawn or painted by a talented artist, is that old or imperfect photographs can be brought to life. I enjoyed the challenges and was really pleased with the results…

Top 10 tips for finding the right artist to draw your pet
Our pets mean a lot to us, so its worth taking the time to find and commission the right artist to create a pet portrait. Here are 10 things to take into consideration when choosing a pet portrait artist to capture the likeness of your furry, fluffy, or feathered companion:

10 ways to advertise my pet portrait business
I asked an AI chatbot to tell me “the best ways to advertise and grow my pet portrait business.” Here are its surprisingly helpful answers along with my responses and plans for the future….

Will AI replace pet portrait artists?
There have been some incredible developments in the field of artificial intelligence over the last few years, with AI now not only able to have knowledgeable conversations but draw life-like pictures from text prompts and source pictures. I asked an AI chat bot, therefore, whether AI will replace pet portrait artists like me. This was the answer it gave me…

10 famous artists and their pets
Many artists throughout history have had pets that were important to them and appeared in their artworks. Here are 10 famous artists and what I have discovered about their furry companions: 1) Pablo Picasso: The renowned Spanish artist had a love for cats, particularly a Siamese cat named…

“This is simply stunning - thank you so much - it is soooooo Gordon. Beautiful.”