My top 10 cat quotes

Many of us have a strong emotional connection with our cats and find them fascinating, entertaining, and comforting. We love their unique personalities but also recognise common character traits such as independence, curiosity, and playfulness. They can be aloof and mysterious at times, but also affectionate and loving. It’s no surprise, therefore, that their unique qualities have inspired many memorable quotes and proverbs over the years. I’ll list my favourite proverbs in another post but here I share some things that people have said about cats that resonated with me.

1) Just watching my cats can make me happy.

This quote by Paula Cole, an American singer and songwriter, speaks to the joy and contentment that we feel in the presence of our pets, particularly cats. Cats have a reputation for being independent and aloof, but they are also known for their affectionate and playful nature, which can bring a lot of happiness to their human companions.

The simple act of watching cats can be a source of joy for many people, as it allows them to observe the unique personalities and behaviors of their feline friends. Whether they are curled up in a sunny spot, chasing a toy, or grooming themselves with fastidious care, cats have a way of captivating their owners and providing a sense of comfort and companionship.

I like this quote because it reflects the special bond that can exist between humans and cats, and it highlights the many ways in which they can bring joy and happiness into our lives. It also suggests that sometimes the simplest things, like watching a cat play or nap, can be enough to lift our spirits and make us feel content.

Here is a similar quote I came accros:  “You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” – Jane Pauley

2) Time spent with cats is never wasted.

This quote is by Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian psychologist, and it also speaks to the value of spending time with cats. Freud was known for his interest in animal behaviour and his belief in the therapeutic benefits of interacting with animals.

The quote suggests that time spent with cats is always worthwhile, as it can provide a sense of comfort and companionship that is difficult to find elsewhere. Cats are known for their calming presence and their ability to reduce stress and anxiety, and many people find that spending time with their pets can be a source of emotional support and relaxation.

In addition to their therapeutic benefits, cats also have a way of entertaining and amusing their owners, with their quirky personalities and playful antics. Watching a cat play or explore its surroundings can be a source of joy and amusement, and many people find that the presence of a cat can bring a sense of lightness and humour to their lives.

I like this quote because it reflects the many positive aspects of owning and spending time with cats, and it highlights the important role that pets can play in our lives. Whether we are seeking comfort, companionship, or entertainment, cats have a way of providing it all, making our time spent with them truly valuable and never wasted.

Here is a similar quote but Albert Schweitzer “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”

3) Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are God.

This quote by the late Christopher Hitchens, a British-American writer and journalist, is a humorous commentary on the perceived differences between dogs and cats, particularly in their relationship with their human owners. The quote suggests that dogs are more dependent on their owners and are more likely to view them as gods, while cats are more independent and self-assured, and are more likely to view themselves as gods.

The quote highlights the unique nature of cats, which are known for their aloofness and independent spirit. Cats have a reputation for being self-sufficient and often seem to have little regard for their owners' wishes or desires. However, they are also known for their affectionate nature and their ability to form close bonds with their human companions, making them beloved pets for many people.

I like this quote because it reflects the different ways in which dogs and cats are perceived, and it highlights the unique qualities of cats that make them such intriguing and beloved animals. While dogs may be more overtly affectionate and dependent, cats have a quiet dignity and confidence that is both intriguing and endearing, and that has earned them a special place in the hearts of many pet owners like me. 

4) The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

This quote by the great Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci speaks to the beauty and perfection that can be found in even the smallest of cats. Da Vinci was known for his keen observation skills and his appreciation for the natural world, and this quote reflects his admiration for the grace and elegance of felines. You can read more about Da Vinci’s love of cats in my article on artists and their pets.

The quote suggests that cats, regardless of their size, are works of art in their own right, with a beauty and complexity that rivals any painting or sculpture. Cats are known for their sleek and graceful movements, their striking features, and their expressive personalities, and these qualities are all celebrated in this quote.

The quote also suggests that cats are deserving of our admiration and respect, and that even the smallest of them should be recognized for the unique qualities that make them so special. It reminds us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and to take notice of the small things in life that can bring us joy and inspiration.

I like this quote because it’s so true. Cat’s always look like a beautifully poised work of art. the quote reflects the deep admiration and appreciation that many of us have for cats, and it highlights the unique qualities of these animals that make them such beloved pets and symbols of grace and elegance.

5) Kittens are angels with whiskers.

This is a lovely quote by Alexis Flora Hope. I’m not quite sure who she is but this quote is all over the internet, probably because it’s so true. Kittens are so adorable and often bring joy and happiness to our lives. With their cute little faces and playful personalities, it's no wonder they are often considered little angels with whiskers. Many people find kittens to be comforting and soothing companions, and they can provide a lot of love and affection to those who care for them. Overall, kittens are definitely a wonderful addition to any household, and it's easy to see why so many people adore them.

Here are a couple of other Kitten quotes I came across. The first is by Robert Southey who said “A kitten is in the animal world what a rosebud is in the garden,” and the second is by Champfleury who said “A kitten is the delight of a household. All day long a comedy is played out by an incomparable actor.”

6) Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.

This is a great quote from James Herriot's Cat Stories! James Herriot was a veterinarian and writer who wrote a number of books about his experiences as a rural veterinarian in England. I’ve been to the village where he worked and stood outside his house. Here it is:

Anyway, in his Cat Stories book, he shares various tales of his encounters with feline patients and their owners. This quote rings true in my experience as cats are indeed connoisseurs of comfort! They know how to seek out the warmest, softest, cosiest spaces in any house. Many cats love to curl up in our laps or on a soft cushion, and they are often very particular about the places they choose to rest.

Here is my cat Titus reclining among some cushions:

7) In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

This quote is by Terry Pratchett, the author of the popular Discworld series of novels. He was known for his wit and humour, and this quote reflects his playful writing style. It is a humorous observation about the nature of cats, and it highlights the mysterious and regal quality that is often associated with them.

The quote recognises that cats seem to have a sense of self-importance and are aware of the reverence that they once commanded in ancient societies. In many cultures, cats were considered sacred and were even worshipped as gods. This sense of divine status still seems to linger in the behaviour of cats, as they often exhibit a certain aloofness and superiority over their human counterparts.

I like this light-hearted observation about the nature of cats and their place in history. It reflects the author's love of animals and his ability to use humour to capture the unique qualities of different creatures.

I also came across this quote but I’m not sure who said it: “Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.”

8) Cats never strike a pose that isn't photogenic.

This quote by Lillian Jackson Braun, an American writer and author of the popular "The Cat Who..." mystery novel series, speaks to the photogenic nature of cats. Cats have a natural grace and beauty that can be captured in photographs, and they are often seen striking elegant and photogenic poses that make them perfect subjects for photography. One of the things I want to do more of is share more photographs of my cat Titus as he always looks so photogenic.

I like this quote because cats do have a natural ability to look good in photographs, no matter what pose they are in. Perhaps this is due in part to their sleek and striking appearance and perfect balance, but also to their expressive personalities and their ability to convey a range of emotions through their body language and facial expressions.

Cats also have a reputation for being playful and entertaining, and many people enjoy photographing their cats as they engage in various activities and adventures. From playing with toys to lounging in sunbeams, cats have a way of captivating their owners and inspiring creativity and appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.

Whether we are amateur photographers or simply enjoy admiring the beauty of cats, there is something undeniably captivating and enchanting about these elegant and photogenic creatures.

9) I tawt I taw a puddy tat.

The cat quote "I tawt I taw a puddy tat" is a well-known catchphrase of the cartoon canary Tweetie Pie from the Looney Tunes series. Sylvester the cat is always chasing him but Tweetie Pie inevitably gets the upper hand.

The phrase has become iconic over the years and has been used in a variety of contexts, from advertising campaigns to popular culture references. The playful and whimsical nature of the phrase reflects the light-hearted and humorous tone of the Looney Tunes cartoons, which continue to be popular with audiences of all ages.

"I tawt I taw a puddy tat" is a classic catchphrase that has become a part of pop culture history, and it serves as a reminder of the enduring appeal of the Looney Tunes characters and their comedic antics.

10) It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens...that whatever you say to them, they always purr.

Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," was a master of using humour and whimsy in his writing. This quote is a great example of his playful style, as it highlights the endearing and sometimes frustrating nature of kittens.

Carroll's observation about kittens is both humorous and true. No matter what you say to a kitten, it seems to have a way of responding with a contented purr. This can be endearing, as it suggests that the kitten is happy and comfortable in its surroundings. At the same time, it can also be frustrating, as it can be difficult to tell whether the kitten is actually listening or responding to your words.

This light-hearted observation about the quirks and idiosyncrasies of kittens reflects Carroll's playful and whimsical writing style. I like it because it reminds me of when my cat Titus was a kitten, and also when I got to look after a litter or kittens for a whole week. They were lots of fun and did purr a lot of the time. I started a drawing of them all together but haven’t had time to complete it yet. Here is a photo of one of them:

I hope you have enjoyed my top 10 cat quotes. Cats have not only inspired writers but artists as well so why not check out my top 10 artists and their pets or if you have a cat I’d love to draw it for you. To explore commissioning me please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’ll finish with an example of my work:


My top 10 dog quotes


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